Hi everybody!
It’s been quite a while since we did a posting on our website and I apologize for this. We have been very busy updating our website to make it more user friendly and teaching quite a few concealed carry classes. Our one-on-one live-fire tutoring has also picked up quite a bit with people wanting to learn about their firearm; novice shooters, couples, and even families!
My intention is to try to post something at least once a week. If you want me to post about something specific, or if you have a question, please email me at info@fstva.com and include your name, E-mail, and phone number in case I need to clarify anything.
It’s a very dangerous time for those of us who believe in the Second Amendment and our right to carry firearms or to even have firearms available for personal protection for ourselves and our loved ones. We seem to have endless daily attacks from some politician wanting to deny or severely limit our rights.
Please follow us and hopefully. You can learn a lot of information and we can learn information from you folks also!
If you’re curious, we have a Charlottesville class coming up on September 23rd and a Harrisonburg class coming up on September 24th. Feel free to register on our website or email me and I will be glad to get you on the class roster.
Until the next post, practice often and STAY SAFE!